if you have own a Technomate 800HD, and learned could watch television from CCCam and all that.
have been trying to get the box to the way i like it but, Rytec XMLTV EPG is very unreliable and if i cant look at what is on then i don't know what i want to watch, so crossepg provides other EPG data input such as opentv but as i found out it does not work With technomate.
What you are looking for is a good HD Box that is well supported on the Satellite Scene with images and plugins, the ability of CCCam and Cline codes, also good epg input that is reliable.
What brand is the best to go for. VU,OpenTV,Dreambox,Technomate or Spiderbox? Or a possible clone
From what i have read into the DM800HD clone looks a good buy
as segel mentioned, a single tuner box means you only have one cable coming in from your dishes LNB, and you can only watch 1 channel.
a twin tuner means that the box is capable of receiving 2 seperate cables/feeds from the dishes LNB, so you can watch 1 channel whilst recording another.
If you want a box that has a twin tuner for recording then you need to see what LNB your fixed dish has, either a single, duo or quad, as a single LNB won't do it.
Also is it really worth paying out for a new box if all your unhappy with is the EPG? you can easily use the sly ipad/ipod/iphone app or online tv guide etc and keep yer money in yer pocket